Sunday, November 1, 2015

i'm still thinking (after all these years!)

It's been quite some time... i think i ended blogging six years ago. Perhaps there's no such thing as forever, or maybe you are really built in a certain mold. Whatever it is, I am now back to publishing my thoughts.

I am not even sure what I will write about and if my life can hold your interest. But I have been in deep thought the past few months. You know how your daily routine becomes you and suddenly that's all you do - eat sleep work repeat (raving unfortuntely does not come into play). I am not being the person I ought to be and I figured I need to push myself to become better everyday. I also wanted the chance to be able to articulate how I feel as I don't get to do that often. Make no mistake on the blog title, I am still quiet and withdrawn from the world, yet alive and kicking.The talking will still probably be in the form of non-verbal action and you will most likely hear me talk through this blog.

So much has changed over the years. I am proud to tell you that along with growing older, I have also gotten a little wiser. Disproportional i suppose, but progress nonetheless. :) A little more cultured and refined too! I hope to show that as I write more about my life now. But for people who know and recognize me, I remain to be the same person - still unorganized and random. So for previous readers who grew up with me, it will be really nice to catch up with you! 
Lastly, what's a post without a picture? So here's a little something  for starters. And because I don't have anything else today but myself, that is what you are getting! Until next time! :)